A lovely seal showing a griffin
Los 3289
Konstantinos, horreiarios of Pegai, 10th century. Seal (Lead, 23 mm, 9.88 g, 12 h). Griffin standing right. Rev. KⲰN/CTANT, / ⲰPHAP, / TON ΠH/Γ' in four lines. Unpublished in the standard references. Very fine.

As horreiarios, Konstantinos was in charge of the state granaries of Pegai, located at the entrance to the Sea of Marmara. A seal in Dumbarton Oaks (Do Seals III 65.1) belongs to another horreiarios of Pegai, with the word "ktematon" added. The editors propose that the legend refers to the imperial estates of the region. They read the name Konstantinos, but the seal has a fragemented and crudely engraved reverse. Cheynet ("Sceax d'horreiarioi") reads Agapios on the Dumbarton Oaks seal.
50 CHF
400 CHF
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